About me

Hi! This is Eatswap from Guangdong, China.



The past?

  • Participated in algorithm contests (but with no luck).
  • Once being a backend developer in several projects (but not much contribution).

What is loved?


  • Music
    • Classical
    • Pop in Cantonese
    • Chinese-New-Year themed music
  • Sports
    • Riding (just hobby)
    • Roaming around
    • Nothing except that
  • Travelling
    • Though have not been to many places
    • Hope to travel around the world one day
  • Furry
    • They are cute
    • No Fursona yet
    • Maybe in the future, before long
  • Cats
    • Cats are cute, too
  • Computers
    • They are interesting

What can I do?

Mainly stuffs related to computer

  • Randomly purchasing
  • Dream of being rich overnight
  • Read furry content
  • Coding (a little bit, mainly backend)
  • Linux (a little bit)
  • Some most widely-used algorithms (a little bit)
  • Take a computer apart
  • Eating
  • Sleeping
  • Unprovoked fantasy

What is wanted to say?

If you want to know more about me, don’t hesitate! I want to know more about you too! Please get in touch quickly.

Also, try to be more straightforward so you can be understood.

I want to be rich enough to afford what I want.


For any contacts not mentioned, please acquire through one of above first. (Privacy is important!)

PGP Key:0xBE661106A1F3FA0B


  • zh_CN: 我会说简体中文。
  • zh_TW / zh_HK: 繁體(正體)中文也沒有任何問題。一些在地的詞彙多多少少也瞭解過一些。
  • zh_yue: 粵語包括口語同埋書面語都冇問題,係 native speaker 嚟㗎!
  • en: English is also OK, however with a limited vocabulary. (Still learning!)

Also can speak a little Hakka, but not enough to communicate.

Any questions?

Please contact me! Or you may want to comment below. Many thanks.

Last modified on 2022-05-19